Association Française du Cheval Crème

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81630 Montgaillard, France
Tél. (33) 5 63 33 53 43.

Breeders Report

Return to the association before the 30 november.


Nom de l'étalon                                                                                                   N° inscrit ACHR
Name of stallion                                                                                                  Registered N°
                                                                                                                              N° inscrit autre

Domiciliation de l'étalon pendant l'année de saillies                                    
de (date)                                       à   (date)

Home of stallion during breeding season
Nom inscrit de la jument
Name of mare
N° inscrit ACHR
Registered N°
Nom et adresse du propriétaire / Owners name

Dates de saillies
ou entré et sortie du paturages

ne rien inscrire
do not use
I certify that the mares above have been served by this stallion on the said dates.
Name and address of stallion owner or locataire.

Signature                                                                                     Date

                                                                                           instructions   page 2  







Association Française du Cheval Crème

Instructions for filling in the Stallion Breeders Report

1.     Fill in the breeders report clearly. All reports unreadable will cause delays

2.     Use a different report for each stallion.

3.     When the mare arrives check the mares papers and mark down on the report these details.

4.     The owner or locataire of each stallion (ACHR Crème and BS or approuved outcross stallion), must fill in and sign the breeders report. If the person signing is not the owner a location paper must be filled in and signed if not already with the association (see paperwork).

5.     Make a photocopie of the breeders report before snding to the association.

6.    Quarter Horse, Lusitanien ou Barbe / Arabe Barbe horses used as outcross horses must be approuved by the association, you must send a photocopie recto verso of the des papers, 4 photos, front, back and both sides plus the confirmation paper and a 25 euros check. QH, Lu et B / AB must be crossed with section Creme mares for the foals to be registerable.

7.     A Breeding Stock horse must be crossed with a section Creme for the foals to be registerable.

8     Note all dates of covering. If the mare is covered in hand note the dates, if the mare is covered in the pasture note the dates put in and out of the pasture.

9.    Send the breeders report to Association Française du Cheval Crème, 81630 Montgaillar, France, before the 30 November. A fine of 25 euros will be billed after this date.